Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We hope you are all still feeling the positive effects of the Mala on Sunday! This year's Yoga Mala was an incredible success - 201 participants raised $11,400  for H(EAT)! Thank you soo much to Erin at Yoga on the Hill for her awesome organizing, Lisa at ChildLite Yoga for the first ever kids Mala, all the teachers and yogis who participated and donated, and the Rivermill at Dover Landing for hosting. Once again, we are grateful to and impressed by the warm yoga community on the seacoast. Your fundraising dollars will truly make a difference to help our struggling neighbors this winter.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What's Up?

Ok, H(EAT) friends and supporters - it's February.  We have a few weeks left in this season's campaign as we bundle up for the coldest time of the year. While the holidays are behind us, and the credit card bills are upon us, it's important to remember that food and fuel assistance is more important now than any other time of year. 
You can help out by making a donation through our website, putting some dollars in the collection canisters you see around town, or attending one of the upcoming H(EAT) benefit events.

This unbelievably successful fundraiser grows in awareness and attendance each year. Hosted at Rivermill at Dover Landing from 9am-noon. Come out to raise money and practice a three hour yoga class taught by area teachers.  For more info, and to register, check out:

THANK YOU TO SKYLER! His two packed shows at The Music Hall Loft on January 21st raised more than $700 for H(EAT).